Sunday, February 6, 2011

David Boyer- The Online Predator who Poses as an Editor

Please don't let your daughters or sons
send stories or interviews to this man!

Before I contact Steven Marshall, David Boyer's ex-partner, I thought I'd answer a question sent to me by a young writer who asked whether or not Boyer's plagiaries over the internet made him an online predator.  It's a thoughtful question.  Here's my well thought out, detailed answer:


I've been reading through batches of correspondence sent to me by people who've had dealings with this online predator (David Boyer of Vincennes, Indiana) over the years, and they portray a disturbing picture of a unrepentant serial plagiarist and scam artist who uses the Internet as his hunting ground.  He victimized so many writers from StoryMania I'm surprised anyone still puts their stories up there.  He is so despised in the writing community and so written about that he's become a public figure.  His refusal to confess to any crimes or make restitution to his victimis at all is why, of course, we will continue to write and warn other writers, editors and publishers about him.

B. Thoughtful has detailed the beginnings of his plagiaries, copyright infringements on her blog, but there is still so much to document about his nefarious activities for the general public that there is still a great deal of investigating to be done.

David Boyer is, in fact, now the writing community's most most notorious online predator.  He put up shop on the web, asked for writers to submit their work, and then in a criminally blatant misuse of their trust, he started stealing their stories.  He's a thief.  I know, because he stole my story "Electrocuting the Clowns." 

I have many emails he wrote to other writers telling them how cool he was writing my story and how great it was he was nominated for a Stoker for it.  He didn't write it.  I did, but he tried to claim it was his thinking he wouldn't get caught.  But he did.  Charles P. Zaglanis, fiction editor at Elder Signs Press, found out about it and let me know.

So thank you to all who have sent me emails from David Boyer the plagiarist from Vincennes, Indiana.  I'll take any and all of his emails you have.  They are amazing helpful in analyzing his habits and methods.

Now, on to contacting Steven Marshall to collect more evidence.

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